The third solution is that of creating a feminine personality. This is not done intentionally but usually "she" just grows like Topsy over the years until the feminine personality takes on an existance of her own, leaving the male personality to be masculine without interference and thus to avoid any implications of gay- ness. Friends of such an individual may see no femin- ine aspects about him at all and never suspect that the same body happily arrays itself in the most feminine of styles, amply supplied with jewelry, makeup, perfume, dainty lingerie, high heels and in short the feminine "works". And further that this occurs as frequently as possible. Under these circumstances, persons meeting the feminine self (assuming the subject has been favored by nature with a not too masculine face, build and voice) will see and deal with a female and not suspect that be- neath those swirling skirts there lives a male body.
In this manner all the femininity is given over to the feminine self, while the masculinity is retained by the everyday male self. The twain dont meet and thus everything is rather well solved. (See the poem, "Tomorrow a Girl" in this issue page 20.)
a man and
It happens that the author of these lines is one of this last type of individual and I write these lines from personal experience. I, Virginia, have sat one table away in a restaurant and (unintentionally) right next to men that I have done business with as there has been no connection made. Having experienced this phenomenon many times it has led me to some obs ervations about people and attitudes both TVs and "out- siders" (or should we say "squares" because they have angles and we have curves?). These I will have to post- pone till my next column. See you then.
(If the above lines stir anyone to agree or dissent make it known in a letter. We need discussion to pro- mote understanding and insight. Such letters will be published in our letters column. Maybe some of you readers would like to write a whole column setting forth your own views. We'll be happy to have it.....Editor)